Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another Swing at Epstein

After reading Epstein in class and coming together we had become a bit confused about what he meant in Philosophical Implications. On page 171 he talks about how he will show if eminent domain is a civic virtue or a injustice. Under eminent domain the government is to compensate a person for the expropriation of their private land but are not compensated for land expropriation involving zoning ordinances. Epstein argues that this narrow interpretation is inconsistent with the language of the takings clause and the political theory that animates it. Epstein comes up with a normative theory that casts doubt upon the established view today that the redistribution of wealth is a proper function of government. However, he does not dismiss eminent domain, he claims that in the clause of eminent domain theory there is a theory of political obligation thats holds eminent domain superior to any rival.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just Thinking...

I was watching this special on Discovery channel about the KKK. Named KKK:beneath the Hood. It was about some KKK members who tried to justify the actions of the KKK. They tried to say that they did not have any relation to the clans past and that they were not hate group. They just thought white supremacy to be there God given right. Then the documentary showed how they taught these traits to their children as if they were not immoral. I began to think why and isn't this considered to be brainwashing in a sense. Depriving the child of making its own interpretations on society. I googled brainwashing to see what I could find that could answer some of my unanswered thoughts and I found this:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Discrimination inevitable

Last night a friend and I stumbled onto the topic of Affirmative Action. She claimed it to be "bullsh*t" I on the other hand disagree with her. Understandable that it may seem like another form of discrimination or segregation but we must not forget that for certain groups in this country "equality" doesn't necessarily hold the merit. People argue things that the civil rights movement got rid of the segregation issue openly. However, those who already had set views or traditional racists already held positions of power. So what stops them from still being racist and condoning segregation subtly? Besides Affirmative action isn't just for African Americans, its for all groups that are treated unequally at one standard or another. One could argue that if such racism does exist then Affirmative Action is just a quota and it ultimately leads to discrimination. I believe discrimination in this country is inevitable at some point or another because of the various ideologies of our society.

Ideas? If we were to completely get rid of Affirmative Action do you think this would be a progressive decision?